WHAT TABLE CLOTH???? I have nothing in my mouth - Honest!!!
Mishka has found the joy of sucking on the table cloth corners. She is really mad now because I have folded them under and now her new toys are gone. Instead she has turned her attention to my pant legs, the hanging dishcloths, the table legs, cabinet corners - you get the idea - anything that she can put in her mouth ! If you think teething is fun in kids at least they do not come up and take a bit out of your ankle...... Wait my first son Nick did that - maybe humans and goats are closer in behavior then we thought - at least at my house
Goodmorning, my daughter and I enjoyed reading your blogs! I think you should write a series of goat short stories. Your comments have so much humor, happiness and soul in them. I have a question, how did Mishka become a 'house' goat? thanks for enjoying your life, Joy
Grace, what a darling blog you have! Love all the sweet pictures of those new baby goats! Great humor to! I will be coming for more visits! Maryjane Lee
Hi, Joy - thanks so much for the kind words and I have been thinking of writing a couple of childrens books when I get some extra time. To learn what happened to Mishka and her sister I posted that under the Basket Case guest. Again, thanks for visiting our Funny Farm.
Sorry to barge in! Etsy's down at the moment and I'm just trying to get ahold of you, Grace, re: that missing package (of silk cocoons).
My other "shipping dud" arrived this afternoon - one MONTH after I ordered it. Why don't we wait another week...or two...(ugh) and see if USPS can get its act together?
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