Friday, November 20, 2009

Nose to the grind stone

While this little elf has been busy in her own world I have lost track of time again. I have been also dealing with a very sick dog "Kasha" and then my 21 year old angora goat girl "Masquerade" was so very close to death that I spent two days living in the barn with her in my lap praying for her to make it thru another hour. I am so happy to report that Kasha is up and chasing foxes this morning and Masquerade is standing on her own and pooping - that is a good thing....

Life is not always what we plan but it does give us reminders of what we hold dear. The joy of seeing my sweet four legged children up and doing well is worth all the sore body parts, lack or sleep and worry lines that are now a part of my face everyday. It is hard to share sometimes the "Normal" daily work I do here because I feel it is not that interesting and who wants to know that stuff??? So I hope I do not bore you with this gals lack of communication at times - just know I am thinking of you even if I have not shared in awhile...


Lisa said...

Grace, I am so glad your fuzzy children are well again... it's exhausting when they are ill.

I dealt with constant health issues with one of my bunnies who lived to be a time when there weren't many vets who knew anything about rabbits. He gave me soem premature gray hares for sure! :)

monica said...

Grace, I will continue to pray for Kasha and Masquerade! Speaking for myself, I love knowing what's going on at the farm! Since I don't have any animals yet I live my own little farm life vicariously through you! So please tell us what is going on! I will listen intently!

larkspur funny farm said...

Thanks for sticking with me ladies it means alot - especially when I live in my head too much.

Kasha is in the house tonight because the winds are horrible and the chill is now around 15 degrees - so she is sitting growling in the shop while listening to Celtic music - it is the CD I played for her when she was a pup and it puts her to sleep.

Thanks for your support, prayers and long distant friendship.

larkspur funny farm said...
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stregata said...

Grace, glad to hear your furry children are better - it is so heartbreaking when they are ill, I know!