You all know by now how much I LOVEhorror movies and the one that really scared me when I was little was - "THE BIRDS". Now vampires, monsters or aliens could never hold a candle to those evil killers on the wing. While I was outside Sunday deciding what project I should tackle next a strange feeling came over me. No dogs where barking, the sun was shining - I was just tired. Then the as the air seem to stand still and the hair on the back of my neck started to rise I turned and saw nothing. Silly Grace!! I went back to thinking which also takes great effort sometimes for me when all of a sudden I saw all the goat boys staring up past me.. I thought to myself, that's strange! So as
I slowly turned and placed my eyes up to the clouds I saw them - over a hundred birds staring down at me from the electrical wires. Just like the movie. Now, I said to myself - "Don't Run, that is what they want." So I slowly walked to the back deck, gently I stepped one step at a time to reach the landing, calmly I opened the back door and shut it. "I am safe" Wait didn't they come thru the windows and heck my back door is covered with plastic over the stain glass that was broken in the last couple of hail storms. "They can still get in"...
Once I recentered myself I grabbed the camera.. With all the nerve I could get I slowly stepped onto the back deck and tried to capture their mass on the wire. Now with my slow, loud camera the first picture was blurry but the sound scared them away. I waited and in just a few mintues some where back and these where the kind that where standing their ground. So I clicked away.
So when you get those little hairs moving on your neck - SLOWLY turn and see what demon is waiting for you - mine are BIRDS!! What are yours???
"The Birds" was always the scariest movie could happen!
Katy :)
This year I have had hundreds of more birds here at the farm - I have had them in the house too...
Not my best moments. I even now have a young eagle who has decided to make the little goat barn his sleeping area. Not good when you have chickents about either. I watch too many movies with Mother Nature calling her animals to rise up against us - not me I hope I am the one who cares for them and has such a tiny footprint...
Grace, That would have freaked me out to no end!!!!
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