This sweet little one crashed landed on my back deck recently and much to my sad heart I found he had a crippled foot. This was causing the poor thing to be unable to land on things because he could not curl his toes to hold on. I lost count on how many times he took off and fell off branches, wires and fence line. I had to give him credit - each failure he came back to the deck, gathered his strength, summoned up his courage and tried again... His mother and father tried to assist but they just had to let him try and fail. What great parents!!! Mother bird brought him grasshoppers to keep his strength up while father soared ahead of him trying to show him how to land. The love those feathered parents showed - they where given their all to support their little one.
I watched with heavy heart because if he did not figure this out he was sure to be dinner for my three big night owls. I placed myself out on the deck with all outside lights on in hopes of keeping the owls at bay. With each crash my worry increased - I am such a protective person but I too understood all we could do was give him time. If he could not master this he would not be able to live as a bird. I had faith that this strong young male would figure a way if only given a chance. For the rest of the night he kept on the deck and close to the lights. His mother and father waited with him while they rested from the struggles of the day. True to form I was up every two hours checking to make sure they did not come to any harm. Even Llama Boy kept close to the deck to keep the skunks, raccoons and night hunters from venturing in on our exhausted family.
By mornings break I crept down the stairs into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. They where awaiting my return I think because as I slowly opened the kitchen door they where lined up looking at me - "
Look at this" they seemed to say... Just then all three of them hopped around and took off flying. They circled the back deck and around the garden. Without any warning they all landed perfectly on the garden trellis. I almost screamed with joy but I caught myself as to not frighten them.. I sat with my cup of coffee on the deck chair and quietly said "Do it again" - just then the little one took off by himself circled a couple times and landed in the same spot.
WHAT JOY!!! I wanted to stand and give him a round of applause but again I did not wish to add undue stress..
I can not explain to you how much this act gave my spirit such strength.. If this sweet thing could overcome such a problem, one not of his own creation, why in the world would I let things get in my way??? His strong will in such a tiny body should be proof that anything is possible if we have the will and desire.
So I ask you - What is holding you back?