On January 29th at 3:00 am in the cold morning this little girl was born. Quite and cold she was weak and struggling to get the attention of her mother - Eboney. Five minutes later her brother appeared. Mom got busy working on him and I took over for the little girl. I took her to the pen I made for myself and started up the hairdryer and rubbing her with towels. While trying to keep her alert I was talking with her and out of my mouth came "Stop being such a lazy kate" Don't ask me why but it is so fitting. Meanwhile the bottle was heating in the kettle next to me. Once she was warm I gave a small couple of drops down her throat and she perked right up. I quickly placed her back with Mom and took the little boy.
I started the same treatment on the little boy but his was not breathing steady and his heart rate was weak. After trying all I could in the barn and wrapped him in wool blankets and ran toward the house. There for three hours I tried all the tricks my eleven years have taught me but in the end it was not meant to be. I held him as he passed and then sat with him for a short time. I needed to get back to the barn and check on Kate.
Kate is doing wonderful - it is 7:00 in the morning and she is full of life. Her name fits because whenever she lets out the smallest sound her mother comes running. Eboney will bend her back legs so Kate does not even have to move herself to reach a teat. What a Lazy Kate........
Kate is adorable and sorry for the loss of the little boy. When we had some born one Winter morning we lost one and it was so sad. I cried all day. The mother was so sad that she cried for the baby for a few hours, running around looking for him.
I think I would have to fall in love with that little face of Kate's though. She is so cute.
What an adorable face!! So cute!
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