For those who have been following my 2008 kids I forgot to tell you that "Ellery" never liked his name and decided to change it to "Avery", I guess all boys need to put their mark on things. Avery is a very vocal little guy and when he spoke I listened. Before he would never come to Ellery, so I set about asking him what his name was - after spending days with a baby book in the barn reading the names he answered to "Avery" and it has been his name ever since.
Avery had a horrible Saturday. I kept hearing Avery talking up a storm but that was nothing new - finally after the rest of the boys added their voices I decided I better go out and see what all the noise was about - well Avery had managed to get his back hips and stomach caught between two huge gates. I unclipped all the gates but he had wedged himself to tight in that no matter which way I tried to get him out he screamed in pain. Panic and fear was running wild and all I could think of was to break the huge gate off it's bolts. It is amazing what one can do when the life and safety of their little one is at stake. With all my might I pulled the gate off it's bolts and Avery ran out from between the gates. The other boys ran after him and licked him all over. I spent the next four hours sitting in the pasture making sure that there was no injury. After be pooped and ate some food I knew he had come away with only sore body parts and a terrible story to tell everyone. I on the other hand came back into the house and could barely raise my arms equal to my shoulders and boy did I pay for it by sundown. It was all worth it in the end - Avery I hope learned his lesson but you know boys - not always the quickest learners.
Grace, I like the name Avery and I am very glad he is okay! I hope your arms feel better!
i do hope that avery is doing better now. hoepfully he will have learned but as you say boys will be boys lol. i am certain that hte next "trouble" he will get into will be just as bad! hope your arms are getting better. i so understand how that goes!
peace connie
You pick great names!! I always use a baby name book too!
I am not sure that boys ever learn!
I had to smile at Avery naming himself. I have 2 cats who did that. I read off Siamese names to my Ragdoll who looks Siamese and she got very vocal when I said the name Isis so Isis she is. And our Missy did the same thing. When I told her she was a cute little miss she got very vocal. Since we'd adopted them as strays we wondered if possibly we found their original names for them. Aren't animals the dearest creatures?
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