My new bunny family and I have been hopping around working our little tails off. It has been a spell since I have checked in last with you all and I am sorry for that but this gal has learned when I get the steam going DO NOT STOP!
It all started with just a little bit of reorganization in my walk in food pantry and before I could stop myself it consumed me. I admit I get a Wild Hare or Hair going when it comes to my cleaning/organization and my all around "Monk Behavior" gets a hold of me. However, now the pantry is all cleaned, restructed and alphabetized - you read that right - I told you I can get COMPULSIVE... I have been known to measure the distance of things when reorganizing things but doesn't everyone? With that being done I realized my kitchen had been in a mess since the shelving came tumbling down - so you guessed it - why not get that in order while I still had steam. Now we are talking about 1:30 in the morning but heck since I am up why not!!!
The next morning while enjoying my clean kitchen and eating my well deserved breakfast I could see from my chair the fiber production room. The weather guessers were saying a bad storm was moving in so I thought "No outside work today why not get cracking on the fiber room"? Bad Idea - three days later and still no end in sight.... Just when all hope was fading I finished but like with all things "GRACE" I decided you know what this room is crying out for - Drapes... The last set was shot and so I am off to the basement to see what I have in the fabric stash - HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS, I am entering the STASH. Land where weaker women then me have been lost forever....This is not your normal stash this is a basement full - a store in and of itself. I admit I have a weakness or some might say sickness for fabric but who doesn't??? I ask you, it is not normal to desire yardage of wonderful colored, textured and all be it every pattern known to man fabric - Right maybe not every pattern but I am not nuts you know - I can quite - Honest.
Well, I found just the right material - seven unopened packages of queen size flat sheets - Why would I have those??? Because 13 years ago I purchased them when a store went out of business and planned to make drapes for the game room at the old house. So I went to work and a day later I constructed wonderful drapes, a table cloth for the packing table, curtains for the laundry room and enough leftovers to construct three new nightgowns. All in All a great purchase and a great day of sewing.. Now I have a fiber production room that makes my heart sing when I enter it and does not blind me while I work at the Carding and Picking machines - you know what that means - FIBER GOODIES are soon on their way
Sure sounds like you have been quite busy! It is absolutely normal to desire yardage of all wonderful patterns known to man!
See I know you would understand Monica - two peas of the same pod
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