Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Signs of Spring??

While working outside on the Winter Clean Up that is always required after the storms that can hit this farm I took a bit of time to notice the signs of Spring coming. Buds on the Lilac Brushes which never fail to get hit with an ice storm at least once but usually twice before they bloom. The Mint that will withstand all that Mother Nature can throw at it and come back ten fold each year.

Then there are all the tiny pine cones that are growing on the Pinon Pine that stands outside my front deck. Sitting next to the Pinon Pine is a sweet wash tub that houses my clumps of Garlic Chives which each returns despite the hens pecking and digging in the tub...

Then I saw the first Robin hopping around the ground looking for tasty tidbits and enjoying the sunshine. As I was finishing up the clean up for today I reached the shop door and there was my sweet little mink - peeking out from the rock that makes up the ground level of this log house. He ran around the front garden bed and past my feet. Then back again and up on the wall. It was tricky trying to catch a picture of him that was not a blurry - he is really fast but so friendly. I have missed him following me around while doing my chores.

The work outside today was long and tons of bending, hauling and collecting things that Jack Frost had carried ever where but this is what makes this gal happiest.. However, I have lived here all my life and know that Colorado never just gives us these warm sunny days without have a couple big storms up her skirt. So, for at least today the Funny Farm soaked up every minute..

What was you Wednesday weather like?


Sheri said...

I'm jealous! No signs of green here yet and we are still in the grey. More rain expected by dinner time. Fickle spring weather! Enjoy that sunshine for me...

Candy C. said...

Lovely signs of spring at your place! We were actually near 80 today but there is a chance of snow by Sunday! Jeez!!
Do you harvest the Pinon nuts? :)

Ngo Family Farm said...

Soaking it up as much as we can here, too, before the cold weather comes back! Beautiful picture of your little mink friend :)

larkspur funny farm said...

Sheri I would bottle it up and send it your way if I could. Stay dry - we had three fires today so it is not all good news.

Candy, I do harvest them - the hens wait under the tree while I am doing so because it goes one for me three for them...

Jamie I hope you had some time out in the warmth - sure felt good on these bones. The mink is such a dear one and I worried when I did not see his footprints after the last snow. The fox was around then and I thought he might have been dinner. Glad he is still with us.