This fantastic machine has been sitting around for the past 12 years without being touched. My husband before he passed purchased this machine for me but then the s*@t hit the fan and I tended to him before his passing and then kept overwhelmed with the business of moving and starting this farm. I had taken two classes but had twenty more to go but that expired and they where not going to make an exception. Then I lost the instruction book. Well, it sat nicely at the end of my sewing table while I used my little Singer. Not anymore, I received the booklet in the mail and Thursday I sat myself down and told myself "You are not leaving this seat till you get this machine running". No easy task, I could not even get the bobbin to work correctly. I then found a piece was broken off. After useing my brains and double sided tape I fashioned a new piece and off I went to filling the bobbin. Next with glasses on face and a can do spirit I started in on the stitches. There are hundreds of stitches so the scrap fabrics by my side I placed the metal to the petal. Now I remember why I love this machine....
All my giggling and smiles where non stop for hours as I played and played. My mind went wild as I was creating in my head great new projects with all that fabric sitting awaiting me in the basement. Late last night I started taking apart the flour sacks that I purchased recently from a Colorado FarmGal - I am thinking a couple of pillows for my bench on the kitchen deck. Maybe a couple of aprons to bring out the country cook in me. Oh, I think I might have created a MONSTER - maybe life would have been calmer without the knowledge of the machine - WHO AM I KIDDING - I LIVE TO CREATE !!
I am very happy for you that you got it figured out! Just think of all the wonderful things you can create!!!
Oh my, I went thru my patterns and last night I even sewed just some pretty hankies for me and my nose. It is that time of year and I hate to use paper....
Hugs to you gal - hope the heat is not killing your outside time.
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