Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My Dad - Hunting Season in Colorado

This time of year I miss my Dad the most! He is the handsome hunter on the far left. That picture is of him and his two best friends in the world - Frank and Betty Dines. It has been over 16 years since he passed but during hunting season is when he seems so close. For most of his life he loved going hunting, fishing and camping - that is why I love the outdoors so much. Hunting was not a sport but a way of putting food on the table and also honoring what Mother Nature provides for us - not something wrapped in plastic on a foam tray. My Dad had very strick rules while hunting - NO DRINKING, NO SWEARING and the biggest one - NO Taking the shot unless you could do it in one!!! He also never shot a female deer or elk - as he said "They continue the herd" My Dad taught me many things but his Love and Respect for the outdoors is the base for all that I am..
As I see the hunters moon this week I think of my DAD - Miss You Much!

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