Sunday, May 22, 2011

Elf on Strike

Why didn't the elf get this desk cleaned up? Was the silly little one busy with other tasks more important?? Was the basement being cleaned or maybe the time was spent getting products listed on my Etsy or Artfire shops??? I know what the large project was that elf was mastering - sitting on it's rear end hoping I would be picked up and taken to the promise land and then this elf would have a life of watching movies and eating popcorn.... WRONG !!! It is time to get this place back into shape and all hands are on deck.

So this morning I have finished sucking up all the farm gravel, dirt and weeds that have been carried into the house from the storms. This was a job for the shop vac and about 25 minutes of ear splitting noise. I finished the last of the laundry that had piled up again from having to work out in the pouring rain, mud and snow. I finally got all the dishes done, bottles boiled, pots and pans scrubbed and put away. I even cleaned from top to bottom the bathrooms which had more hay on the floor and surrounding surfaces then the barns. I even managed to rake up all the dog hair that Sophie had dropped in the run - looked like some furry sweet one had gotten murdered out there - even managed to pluck some of her hair off her body which is shedding big time. She has always been touchy about this unlike the others who just love you to brush and pluck them. O.K., that sounded weird and nasty but around here I spend a large part of my day's plucking someone.... Only four legged some one's that is!!

I still am having difficulties bending - not sure what I did but this is the longest I have every had to deal with this kind of back pain. Going on two weeks now - I think that is enough of that don't you?? Maybe that is why I did not get picked - too tired, old and broken down. Wait a moment shouldn't I be first in the line - Oh Well - now I know that I have to get off my bony butt and get to work because no one is helping not even an ELF!!! I had not idea that there way an Elf Union - there is always something...

Anyone else having this trouble with their elf?

1 comment:

Jane @ Hard Work Homestead said...

I do the same thing. If I am out in the field and I see a horse who is shedding out, I go and pick out the fluffs. I am usually to lazy to go back to the barn and get a brush and the horses dont mind.