Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Update on Goldie

Just so everyone knows Goldie is doing great...
I went out many times during the day to check on her, put a little bit of herbal treatment on her neck and to hug her and kiss her - Oh Yes, like a typical Mom - lecture her also about the evils of "The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side"...

As for the neighbor - there was no news report of a country gent coming down with blindness from seeing an Alien at Larkspur Funny Farm. Yep, my overly white skin has been mistaken for a glow in the dark Alien on more then one occasion.

So as the sunsets here at the farm I am rethinking my summer sleepwear and considering how to keep my eye and body on those things that are important and dismiss those things that are not.

1 comment:

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Glad to hear Goldie is doing great.