Thursday, February 10, 2011

Your Prayers are Helping

It has been a stressful Wednesday but who's life is not. Gradually Maggies girls started to pick up the pace and take ever increasing eye droppers full of warm milk. The schedule did not leave much to get done but the outside farm chores. In the end it was worth the effort. At the time I am writing this the girls just finished 2 ounces each of warm milk using a bottle, have left me many potty presents and the washer is running a full load of towels and sheets. To some this may seem like dull work but when I open the bathroom door to those sweet faces and they run to me with their tiny tails straight up in the air - Well, what better purpose could I have!!

So now I have two girls yelling for my attention and getting into all kinds of playful trouble. Maggies is still screaming and searching for her babies which just breaks my heart but again today it was so bitterly cold that I could not risk any changes to the little one's schedules. If Mother Nature would assist I might consider returning them but I must weight their health and well being above my desire to this family back together.

I really want to thank you all for your thoughts, kind words and prayers. I know it does make a difference so I want you all to hug yourselves for the great job you gave these girls. Too bad you can't get in on the snuggles and bouncing around but I guess that is the part you miss when you are not sitting at 1 am on the bathroom floor.

Oh, better get the formula made because soon they will be up and demanding MORE! Once again THANK YOU


Kay-The Rustic Cottage said...

Grace - so glad that the girls are doing better. You are an inspiration! I bet you are just exhausted. I will continue to pray for all of you!!


stregata said...

Sending prayers for the kids, but also for you. It is a miracle that you are still on your feet. Hope the temps go up soon, so that the situation is somewhat better.

Jane @ Hard Work Homestead said...

So happy things are going well. I was wondering how long of a window do you have to get them back to their Mama before she would reject them. I am not familiar with goats. I hope the weather cooperates.

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog site and you must be exhausted! I live on a horse farm, but we have no foals in the winter. I cannot imagine trying to care for babies in the dead of winter. Minus 42 degrees!
Are kids easy to bottle feed? I supplemented a foal once with mama goat milk.

larkspur funny farm said...

Sorry for the delay Gypsy - Once you can get their sucking reflex going then they will take a bottle without too much trouble. The issue is tubing them first to get warmth in them then working on getting their system to kick in. I wished I did not have goats that cyle for birthing at this time of year but I have spent years trying to change it and it is just a no go. Love to hear more about what you do - do you have a blog???