I have many combinations that soon will be available but I had to share this one. While putting this collection together I kept hearing the word "FEARLESS". With all the ways in which we frighten ourselves these days - just watch 5 minutes of the commercial force fed news and we have nothing left but fear for our country, our politics, our financial well being and the latest illness that is sure to be fall us. Then there is the lack of support for spreading your wings, trying new things or just allowing folks to be the person they where meant to be - not just another clone of the latest tabloid misfit who can not function. How many of us do not fit into the little box they wish to put us in - even if it is a nice blue Tiffany Box...
I hope with this Art Yarn Bundle you might find just a bit of that "Fearless" Nature that is within us all even when we have hidden away for so long we have forgotten all about it - I have not and wish to help you find it again.
Enjoy and be FEARLESS
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