Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Here is how the wash day went in picture form. First picture is of the fleece right of the sweet one. Next is the first washing, then comes the second washing and last is the final washing and rinse.


Once laid out on the drying racks the ringlets sprang back into shape and as soon as my silly camera battery recharges I will snap you a picture or two. OH, My Fingers.. They are impatient to get playtime. All work and no play makes Grace a grumpy girl... and take it from me she is really, really grumpy.

I am always amazed to see how with a great breeding program, a focused,detailed stretch of hard work along with a good soap you can get the most amazing results. If you have never seen this breed of sheep please google it and take a look - if you get a chance to meet them in person you will see why they are pure magic. In their native country Teeswater, Great Britain the animals graze on fresh bright green lands housed behind waist high stone stacked fences and get their fleeces washed while still on the animal in the River Tees. The river meanders through 85 miles of history and experienced Shepard's to the North Sea. I must admit I often dream of walking the countryside with a flock of what I fell is the best long wool sheep on the planet. You could spot me a mile away I would be the one covered in red bumps...

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