Saturday, October 29, 2011

Surfing the Snow Wave

Catch the WAVE here at the Funny Farm!!

When I woke up Friday morning I saw the snow pack deciding to slide down the metal roof on one of the smaller barns. I was not sure if it would stay long enough for me to get clothes on and find the camera.

I quickly took a picture from my bedroom window and then got dressed and went outside. It was not moving at all put rather frozen in place. I took some snaps and then went about doing the feeding chores. I thought surely by the time I got back it would be on the ground. NOPE...

This amazing snow wave lasted frozen in place till 4:30 pm and then hit the ground all at once in one piece - I could hear it in the house and the billy goats sure told me all about it. So that was a record 10 and a half hours to let go.... WOW - O.K. maybe it is not the international metal barn melting record, or you may not even find this at all interesting but I guess it is just me...

Take a little time out to enjoy the simple things around you..


Candy C. said...

I love it! What COOL pictures!

larkspur funny farm said...

Thanks ladies - love what Mother Nature creates.

BLD in MT said...

That is really neat! Mother Nature is the best sculptor!