Now that the deep snow is melting somewhat that gives Esmeralda a chance to stock Chief again and make passes at him. Now before we all get mushy about this just know that at any time if Chief really felt he had enough he would put her back into her place. I look at it this way - we have all known some folks who are just too kind for their own good. You know the type - gives a million chances, always willing to talk it through even when the other person is not listening. Then there are the broken folks like the film stars of today who go to jail, then rehab, land back in jail, sent back to rehab and so on till they end up either dead or no longer the public eye.... This is how I view this relationship here in my pasture. They must like it or it would not continue... I call it "Going Around The Mountain" - you do it over and over again thinking the view will change but it is just going round and round. I am famous for this so I can not point fingers and these two..
One thing Chief gets from this relationship is another hard working guard animal. Esmeralda is out there working the pasture against predators and stands in front of any danger that might come her way. I can't help but remember that when like this morning those ribs are still giving me pain - she is one tough cookie and for that I see why Chief puts up with her.
I thought today I might work on one of those "Around the Mountain" issues that has me stuck in the pasture... How about you?? Some might call it a New Years Resolution but I think we can make those choice any day of the year. Want to be Brave and share one with me??
Grace, I think I will be like Chief and put up with it until I get enough of it and then take care of the situation as it happens. I live in the "Around the Mountain".
No new resolutions for me this year. I want to be me and hope to stay in God's Will at all times. I just hope I get more pasture time with the animals and more fiber time in my studio.
How about you?
I am working on eliminating those things that do not bring me joy or funds to pay the bills. I am also working a some new life goals that do not include the desires of everyone else but rather put me in the picture. I am also searching for a way to give to those who could use my talents. You Know SMALL things.
I wish for you more fiber/animal time with peace around you..
My goal is to be more productive in my crafting ....... but at the same time enjoying the fact I have had to slow down in other parts of my life.....
Wow..I need to be more grateful for this lifestyle I have been blessed with and quit fretting over the little things, like shoes left in the living room...toothpaste all over the bathroom mirror...closet doors not closed! See what I mean!! :)
I'm keeping the same resolution as I had last year cause it was so good: laugh more!
PenCraft - that is a great one - sometimes I have to remind myself of that too!
Candy - I know how easy it is to get caught up in those small daily nagging things.. I think it is our way of keeping the mind busy instead of really bringing our talents to bear. At least for me that is.
Lisa - I am with you I am also needing to learn to slow down on some things and get rid of other things all together.
I wish everyone a joy filled year.
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