Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Day for the Farm Girl

The morning started a bit rocky with Olivia taking her cast off again. That makes it four times this week. Then the bottle kids come unhinged because I made them wait a tad because I was leaving the farm and needed to feed them right before leaving which cost me two changes of clothing before I could step off the farm - Oh and Yes, Snow and bitter cold... Did the Easter Bunnies tail get frozen? I know my tail was frozen...

Then I was off to Nick and Brooke home for a wonderful time. The meal was ever so tasty - great ham, super potatoes, lip smacking asparagus and then they even made one of my fav's "White Peach Sangria"... Best of all was spending time with them and the ever funny Reese... Every minute was very special and went by too quickly.

Upon returning to the farm the bottle kids acted as if I was gone for days. They could not drink their formula fast enough and hated that I slowed them down... Did not need tummy aches because of being Piggies... Olivia managed to take off her cast while I was gone - so I will have to put my thinking cap on and try another prototype but my brain is mush for now and she is settled for the night.. I will give an extra bottle feeding during tonight to make up for what they missed while I was gone and to make sure they are not too worried that I will be gone again...

All in all a perfect Easter day for this Farmgal - all except the driving part with the nutters...
Thanks Family for a GREAT DAY and for the leftovers...


Jane @ Hard Work Homestead said...

Glad you had a good Easter and got to spend some time with the two legged ones. So the sangria didn't help you come up with any new cast ideas then? I am sure you will fashion something.

larkspur funny farm said...

I wished it had - Olivia was not in the mood to have me do it again so still putting on my thinking cap even if it is a bite crushed...