Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Never a Dull Moment

You wont believe this one!!!

This afternoon I noticed the goat girls where standing around the pasture in a circle looking at the ground. I thought maybe they had a snake on the ground which they have done in the past. As I walked out there the girls started to part and there on the ground was a very cleaned off baby goat....

I KNOW - two months after the last baby born - RIGHT!!

It was Miss Marple with blood on her bum and letting the little one nurse... You could have knocked me over with a feather... I set about putting a pen together in the barn and then came the task of trying to get the mother and child into the pen.. Not an easy task!! After a long time of closing doors, moving round and round in the barn and getting her finally in the pen with the baby I went and got her water... I quickly picked up the baby to see if all was alright and it was perfect and A GIRL!!!

After I saw her nurse four times and poop I gave Miss Marple some hay and more water. You guessed it - tonight I will be up checking on the pair just to make sure all goes well. Honestly she showed no signs of expecting and even after she delivered her body does not look one bit difference - I guess she had her baby hidden in her mouth because I clipped her fleece a month ago and I neither felt or saw any signs of a baby..

The bottle kids where not thrilled that there was a new baby in the barn - they are so attached to being my complete love bugs. I have no idea why they think I would be loving on the new one - this would mean Mommy might decided not to take care of her if I did that and I sure do not want that - No More Bottle Kids PLEASE!!

As I always say "Never A Dull Moment at the Funny Farm" Oh, I will post a picture as soon as I know that Miss Marple will not freak out...


MyBluePeacock said...

Can't wait to see the new baby:)

larkspur funny farm said...

She is just perfect!!! Just got back in from checking on her and she was bouncing around the pen playing... Such a sweetheart.

Jane @ Hard Work Homestead said...

The more important question is how on earth did the Billy do that. I know you keep them seperate after breeding. Does he have a set of keys to the gates? Can he fly? You have a real X-file there.

Candy C. said...

YAY for baby goats!