Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Today's Life Lesson

In my so called garden bed in the so called back yard there appeared these three Poppies.. With all the other work that this farm requires I admit I have not given a second thought to the horrible garden bed that the previous owners placed just off the back stairs. They had a crappy half assed fence area that is a weird shape that makes no sense. They planted three Lilacs inside the fence that for anyone who knows Colorado weather at our altitude is a very bad idea. They also planted a Pine tree right next to one of the lilacs in which they both should be any where near each other. Last year I finally got around to digging up the railroad ties that they sunk into the ground again in no real correct pattern and they where not treated so they are crumbling into a huge mess. The fence is sinking into the ground and the ground is harder then rock. So I admit I just walk by it and say "If I every get time - like that is going to happen".

Still next to my compost bin there is a group of Poppies that each year just keeps spreading and growing with the goodies from the compost bin. It is a joy to see them amongst all the mess of that so called garden bed. Each year I hope to find the time to get fix that bed but life and work gets the better of me and so it sits.

So the lesson is - Great things can happen even when you have no real plan ... or how about this one - You can bloom even if the worst is all around you...


monica said...

The poppies are so pretty! What a good lesson to learn from them! I have come to realize that with all of the pressure around here, that maybe I am just a shiny diamond in the works!!:)

larkspur funny farm said...

I know you are!!!! There is great things all around us but somethings the crap of the day to day just gets us in the way of see it. Hugs....