What a Friday - the fickle finger of crap was wagging away at me and I was getting short of patience and level measurement... We won't go into it all but let's just say the last straw was when I went to the mail box in the late afternoon because the mailman again ripped off the door and it was planning to rain so I had to go make that long walk again. I found a sheet of paper in there from my Post Office with the hand written statement GRACE GERBER FYI - then followed by dribble that sent this gal into a full blown temper tantrum all the way back to the house. Once reaching the house I got on the phone to only speak to one of those Kind, Caring and Informed workers. The letter stated they where no longer excepting any International packages from our home mail boxes. O.K. screw my business over again... The lady informed me that I need to open an account with Endicia and print out my shipping labels, postage and customs forms through them if I want my packages to be picked up. Oh and it will cost me $35.00 a month even if I do not ever print a single label. Now I average about 14 to 20 overseas customers a month but this means I will be having to charge more and that also keeps folks from spending when it already costs a fortune to do International transactions. Also the $60.00 worth of $1.00 stamps I just purchased is worthless and no they will not take them back... She was rude, short and not the least bit helpful. Also, this all goes in effect Monday - thanks for giving a person some notice. Oh and they knew this two months ago but just now felt the need to tell us.
O.K. I tried to breath and find my calm place. Right! Just when I have a smooth operation going - not really but I have figured out how to work my computer postage from Paypal, mastered the new customs forms that I just received 200 in the mail last week and thank God I sent out 4 overseas packages Friday morning with the old way - I just really needed some comfort...
Mid Day I had cleaned out the chicken coop -that always gives this gal peace and comfort. Then I decided to bake something sweet. It was going to take hours for my old wonderful dial up computer to now load the new postage companies dozens of files.
Spicy Hermits was first on the list - named after me!! Just kidding
If you wish the recipe I will post it but they are also available on www.cooks.com
Next up is Impossible Pumpkin Pie - it is not your normal pumpkin pie because there is no crust. I am not a fan of crust so about 34 years ago I found this recipe and it has been my favorite go to desserts. I can also post this if anyone wishes to try it - it really is great!
It is now 11:30 pm and the computer is still down loading so I will keep baking - back in a moment.
I'm with you ... I too would be outraged not only with change but short notice and then with your stamps being worthless. I hate change, not happy with facebook changes and then now blogger changes. Took over 4 hours for google chrome to load and now blogger still is not right. GRRRRR.
Hang in there, hopefully your customers will not leave you due to change.
Some change is good but it seems that it only changes to line the pockets of those who really do not need any more.
I still can't get my computer to load Chrome - I am with you GRRRR...
Sending you love and light and I am trying to have no tantrums today..
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