While most folks start their day with a rat race that sucks the life right out of them - I step out onto my back porch to hear the birds sing, the goats give me a shout out "Good Morning Mom", the chickens present me with their still warm eggs and the gentle meditation pose of my Llama Girls. I am so thankful that for this day I will experience the simple joy of the life I have CREATED BY CHOICES...
After watching the "O" show (don't watch her too much because it is a waste) but I wanted to see this show about folks giving up their modern life!! Kids having a fit after only two hours of not having their TV and cell phone, the family eating take- out at each meal and then taking that horrible food to their own rooms to eat without a simple conversation. The worst, was the mother was texting the daughter in the other room to get the Mom water. I must admit I reacted by yelling at the TV. THIS IS NUTS, Can't they see how nuts this is? Can folks truely belive this is what life is about?? How could you treat those who you say you love with such detachment? Then I remembered the wonderful life I have CREATED by CHOICE - I felt such sorrow for all those folks who can not see that while they are pluged into a life that gives them nothing, they are missing those small things that really make a life worth living.... I did not give into the pressures of the world for my boys. No cell phones, no cable, no X Box and we ate every meal together that was made by us with love. Table conversations shared joys, fears and laughs. I am not saying it is so easy but when you know what is important, how quickly life can and does change you do not waste time on meaningless things.
So that evening as the sunset was glowing in my forest and the Goat shouted out "Good Night Mom", the hens went quitely to their roost to dream their dreams and the Llamas went back to their mediation pose - I once again thanked the universe for the Life I Have CREATED by CHOICE and am gratefull that tomorrow will be full of joy and peaceful blessings..