The sign may read "Beward of Dog" but under my antique goat cart is my ATTACK HEN
Now I know you might be giggling and thinking I have gone around the bend (may be true) but this little hen guards this farm and takes her job very seriously.. This sweet hen works the front bed with hours of scratching and pecking but if anyone walks towards the shop door she comes a running. Not great for attracting customers but she has desided Llama Boy might not be enough security. She also will follow you right into the shop and stand by me while someone is in the shop. The other day I did not realize she had walked in and a couple of hours later as I was making dinner I heard this strange sound upstairs in my office. There was my hen pecking at my aloe vera plants. Luckly, no pooping in the house - that is a NO NO...
You won my blog giveaway!
I will send your napkin holder right out as soon as I hear from you!
I am doing a huge happy dance - I can not believe that I won.....
I have for the past four days been without the computer, phone lines and sometime power.... But I am back and will contact you immediately....
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