Colorado can make your skin be so dry and itchy but this is a whole other issue. As I was trying to sit down and answer emails and do my normal computer duties I felt like my skin was just crawling... I never take my shower until after morning outside chores but today I was going to work outside all day so I was going to wait till the end of day. As I sat trying to type the creepy skin and itchy feelings grew and grew until I started to wiggle. I pushed the feelings aside and went back to my typing. Finally, I could not take it and figured a shower was more important. As I took off my shirt LOOK WHAT I FOUND!
This sweet little guy was busy crawling up my back... Now before you all start screaming - he is just a tickly little guy with no sharp teeth or venom - so no need to scream and step on him. I put him next to my little retro snail and it looks like he has a new buddy. After watching him for the longest time (Yes, I know I am not getting my work done) I took him out to the front forest far from the chickens and placed him on some scrub oak branches. I wished him good luck and warned him of the hawks, owls and other winged residence here.
O.K. back to work and I sure hope there will not be anymore visitors under my shirt for today...
Oh my gosh Grace, isn't life in the country great! My kids are in love with the inch worms here, but they would probably scream if one got down their shirt!
I have no idea how that silly little guy got there - surprize...
Hope you had a great weekend!!!
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