Thursday, February 9, 2012

Kisses - I Want Some

Did someone say KISSES??? I want some too !!! Mishka and Maggie on the left are first to come to the inside gate after they saw me giving the llama girls kisses and snugs. Mishka especially is always wanting to be glued to me in any way she can. Maggie has decided lately that she remembers all the attention this time of year brings with the birthing season. So just because they will not be delivering babies does not mean I should fall down on the job with my attention practices. Murtel on the right is Maggie's baby and has always loved face rubs and gentle kisses close to her eyes. Goats when showing love and comfort to each other will lick another goats eyelashes - Trust me I love my Goats but I will not do that..

Monica, who is not one for much affection from humans does show such compassion for her baby Babette and she even likes the Llama Babies. Doesn't she look like she is smiling?? She may be shy but she always seems to be happy... Look at those tiny fine lockets - such a treasure. She is another one who makes no noise wish I could say that about Mishka - she is a motor mouth the moment she sees me to the moment she can not. That is a bottle kid for ya..


Candy C. said...

Yep, gotta share the lovin' with ALL the critters!

larkspur funny farm said...

Candy - don't I know - these goat girls will trip me if I don't stop to give them their dues... Who needs a Valentine Guy when I have 80 loving hearts? Problem is they never cook me dinner or rub my aching feet.

Jaja said...

so pretty!

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Aw, thanks for sharing those photos.