Friday, February 24, 2012

Funny Farm Friday

It's Friday and we finished another snow storm at the Funny Farm..

The sleds are waiting for me to get out there and load them with hay for the waiting tummies. The Great Pry's are barking in the cold crisp air letting the predators know there is no meal here. The trees are telling of the freezing cold they endured while watching over us through the night. As the tea kettle starts to whistle and the eggs from my sweet hens gentle fry in the cast iron skillet that has served many before me -- I stop and breathe.

I am like so many for get busy in the monkey mind of "Things to Do", "What is Expected of Me" and worst of all forgetting there is only NOW...

There is nothing wrong with plans but when they consume your every thought they trap you into missing the only moment you have - the NOW...

So today while I pull sled after sled of hay through the deep new snow I will stay present in the Now instead of wondering how many hours this will take today. When I come in and start the dye pots up to create color patterns that will remind me of Spring I will stay in the Now of my white covered world and enjoy the crisp lines that snow creates. Then this evening while I sit in front of the carding machine listening to it's rhythmic song as I feed the fibers into it's rolling needles I will work hard at staying in the NOW of the process and remind myself that today was full on NOW moments which I was fully present for - at least that is my intention..

What where some of your NOW moments today??


Jaja said...

in the now? I did sit in the now and stitch a wool penny pillow. I do so enjoy pulling the threads through the felted wool bits and pieces and make a pretty.
Windy in MO today, and very chilly compared to what we have had lately.
Enjoy your weekend in the NOW.

larkspur funny farm said...

Oh I love wool penny work... I was thinking of selling some of my handmade felt to those who love penny work... I love your piece on your blog - such joy included in your work. Stay Warm.. It took almost three hours to get thru the snow today. I am staying in the Now of my legs feeling like wet noodles.

Aunt Jenny said...

You have had more snow than here for sure this year.
We are dealing more with mud than snow at this point...very weird winter.
I am worn out tonight from cubscouts blue and gold dinner. I was in charge, and although I do enjoy being in charge (ahem) I am always glad when the big pack meeting is over each month.
This is the biggest one each year. My feet are tired. I am looking forward to having a calm relaxing weekend. Hoping I didn't just "
ask for trouble" by saying that.
You have a wonderful weeekend.
My now is that I plan to go to bed in my nice clean sheets that hung on the line today and smell like sunshine and read awhile and get a little sleep. goodnight.