Sunday, February 19, 2012

Kick in the Butt

Like many folks sometimes this gal just does not wish to get going on the mountains of responsibilities and work that stands before me. Some may not wish to get into their cars and drive to a job that does not appreciate them. Some may not wish to have that discussion one more time with their spouse or child about what they are not doing right. Others may hear the news and figure why even bother because we are all going to hell in a hand basket no matter how many things I do right....

Well, those thoughts do not escape this gal... Saturday was such a morning and I struggled to find the get up and go to get up and get going. I need to trick this gal into a mind set that would get her out the door, into the bitter cold and get on with the work that is needed to care for 80 four legged furry family members. After much delay I had the answer - now this is going to date me so get ready.. I went to my selection of music - No it is not on an Ipod it was on CD, heck I still listen to cassette tapes too.. Back to what I was saying - I went to the bins that housed my music and let me fingers do the walking. Yes, another clue to how old I am.

I landed on a great one, CHAKA KHAN - Yes and the track I played over and over again was "I'm Every Women"... I played it full force in my ears - yes I know that is not good for the tiny hairs in the ears but this gal really needed that KICK!!! Thank Goodness I live on the Funny Farm because here I was singing at the top of my lungs as I pulled the huge sled of hay across the mushy snow covered pastures to my awaiting friends. I even found myself dancing in the fashion that this gal dances as I carried the buckets of water back and forth more times then I can count. As I realized that I was giving myself just what this gal truly needed - JOY!!! A way out of the round and round mind set and into something of pure JOY!!!

Far too often we just get the things done in life that we are suppose to without giving a thought that maybe we can do it with JOY! Maybe even if the job does not appreciate me I can appreciate that for this moment I can find purpose in what I do even if it is tiny in other people's eyes. Maybe if we thought we needed to have the same conversation with someone who has not heard us before - what if we decided to spend that time and energy in giving to someone or something that might what to hear us. What if you give thanks to yourself for doing the things to help the planet and who knows, someone may be watching our actions and through that they change something they are doing..

My Point Is - Do Your Thing but do it with JOY!!! Who knows, you may find yourself listening to just the right music to make you Dance!!


Anonymous said...

You are such an inspiration to me. My chores are small outside, an old horse and a donkey that I really enjoy in nice weather, wood to get in for a wood burning stove in the back of our house but on a cold morning, I need a big push to get started. I am also a care giver to my husband of 64 years.
Jalia in Pueblo

larkspur funny farm said...

Your such a blessing to your husband and a wonderful spirit who gives her all to those in front of you. I know the path of caregiver - I did that for so many years dealing with end or end illness for my husband - just know I am always here for you if you need someone who knows that path. Hugs and you are my light on my path.

Ngo Family Farm said...

This is so wise and beautiful and true. Thank you for sharing it. I was just reading a little devotional booklet that talked about finding Purpose in our everyday tasks, even the seemingly insignificant parts; that we don't have to heap on extra prayers if we can learn to make every little thing we do a prayer (or a song in your case :) Although songs are often prayers, too, right?)

Wishing you much continued joy!

Candy C. said...

What a great post Grace! :)

larkspur funny farm said...

Jaime - I do have many times when what is playing in the earbuds are series of prayers, mediations and teaching in fact more times then music but someday's the universe is saying "Grace you have to get wiggling"...

Thanks Candy - I am never sure if what I write makes any sense.

Aunt Jenny said...

You rock Grace!!! I love this post! I have a habit of putting on an old Donna Summer album when I need that Kick to get going.